They’ll sweet talk you until it’s too late. Featuring innovative gaming, thrilling entertainment, exceptional amenities, and superior customer service, Parx Casino has won the most prestigious industry awards since its opening.
offering unique style and upscale flair 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You pass out on a live game and have to go to the er in an ambulance guess what you get a point and at 5 points your fired!! There’s an ongoing feeling that management has favorites, they promote the worst person you can think of and they belittle you every year when it comes time for yearly evaluations and if your good they’ll give you a raise of 10 cents, 10 CENTS! !!!! 25 cents if they like you. Specialties: Parx Casino, the 1 Casino in PA, is owned and operated by Greenwood Racing, Inc. You can not have an emergency or life issue or any type of issue on or off there property or it will be counted against you and you can be fired for any reason. They boast about how much you can make but they should never even discuss it when it’s not coming out of the company’s pocket. You split your tips which is fine but tips pay shouldn’t be considered for what they actually pay you to do your job. This is for anyone deciding to be a dealer, your selling your soul to them, you work hard for very little pay (around 5 bucks an hour) and no gratification from management.